Zoom: From Obscurity to Market Leader

Whether for work or catching up with friends and family, chances are high that you have used videotelephony software Zoom more than a handful of times since 2020. From a state of relative obscurity, the software and the company behind it have grown to now be market...

The Fast-Food Industry: Success and Challenges in the 2020s

One of the more controversial sub-sectors within the hospitality sector is fast-food, which has received significant amounts of criticism over the years. As with many large corporations though, some of the market leaders began taking steps to improve their public...

Mozart Would Have Needed a Financial Advisor

The story of the artist, actor, composer or musician who constantly is strapped for cash, despite enjoying a successful career is a sadly common one, with many incarnations. Three centuries ago, things looked different, as most composers did not reach fame and were...

Commercial Real Estate: A Mixed Picture

  While the number of residential house sales dipped halfway through 2020, the easing of lockdown restrictions was accompanied by an increase in viewings and sales in Britain, France and beyond. Thanks to increased demand for properties outside the capital...